Triol AT24

Industrial low voltage variable frequency drive

Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) AT24 series is designed to automatically control a wide range of production equipment, systems, and complexes with induction and permanent magnet synchronous motors in various processes.

  •  Low maintenance Low maintenance
  • Optimized savings Optimized savings
  • Easy setup and commissioning Easy setup and commissioning
  • Precision control Precision control
  • Transient graphs Transient graphs
  • Minimized downtime Minimized downtime
VFD Triol AT24
Triol AT27

Triol AT27

Industrial Medium Voltage Variable Frequency Drive

Medium-voltage Variable Frequency Drives Triol AT27 is designed for automatic control of a wide range of industrial systems with induction, synchronous (with an external exciting system) and Permanent Magnet Motors.

  • Low maintenance Low maintenance
  • Optimized savings Optimized savings
  • Easy setup and commissioning Easy setup and commissioning
  • Transient graphs Transient graphs

Triol AT24 LE

Elevator Variable Frequency Drive

Triol AT24 LE Variable Frequency Drive it is special solution, which provides safe and reliable operation of elevator equipment, has advanced functionality for modern elevators.

  • Optimized savings Optimized savings
  • Easy setup and commissioning Easy setup and commissioning
  • Precision control Precision control
  • Minimized downtime Minimized downtime
VFD Triol AT24 LE
Variable speed drive Triol AK06

Triol AK06

Artificial Lift Variable Speed Drive

Variable Speed Drive (VSD) AK06 series is designed to control and protect electric submersible and surface pumps with induction and permanent magnet motors. Triol AK06 VSD solution combines unique technical characteristics, the highest operating qualities, and excellent reliability.

  • Low maintenance Low maintenance
  • Optimized savings Optimized savings
  • Easy setup and commissioning Easy setup and commissioning
  • Cost savings during commissioning and well operation Cost savings during commissioning and well operation
Submersible well pump Triol EP01

Triol EP01

Linear Electric Submersible Pump EP01

Linear Electrical Submersible Pump (LESP) Triol EP01 is an innovative method designed to increase oil production in low flow applications. LESP eliminates rod and tubing wear issues in deviated wells. Also providing constant production with less down-time utilizing the automated algorithm to optimizes the strokes-per-minute.

  • Implementation of algorithms to maximize flow rate, to automatically maintain the level of pressure at the pump intake, and the temperature of the submersible motor Implementation of algorithms to maximize flow rate, to automatically maintain the level of pressure at the pump intake, and the temperature of the submersible motor
  • Energy savings from 4% up to 36% for the extraction of 1 m³ of liquid, as compared with ESP Energy savings from 4% up to 36% for the extraction of 1 m³ of liquid, as compared with ESP

Triol TM01

Downhole Measuring System

Downhole Measuring Systems Triol TM01 is designed for collecting, processing, displaying, transmitting and monitoring the required set of submersible equipment current parameters, downhole parameters and sensor values ​​of surface wellhead equipment.

  • Incremental product through system optimization Incremental product through system optimization
  • Cost savings during commissioning and well operation Cost savings during commissioning and well operation
  • Investment savings Investment savings
Downhole Measuring System
Triol offer

120 दिन तक

उत्पादन और डिलिवरी का समय

Triol offer

1 से 2 साल तक

उत्पाद वारंटी

नए अवसर

ट्रायोल नवाचार

हम अपने व्यवसाय के सभी क्षेत्रों में प्रतिस्पर्धात्मक लाभ और नई तकनीकों के विकास और कार्यान्वयन के कारण बाजार के अग्रणी हैं। हम अपने ग्राहकों के लिए बाजार और तकनीकी विशेषज्ञ बन जाते हैं। हम अपनी खुद की R & D टीम के साथ स्टार्टअप्स, रिसर्च संस्थानों का समर्थन करते हैं। हमारे समाधान मौलिक दृष्टि और व्यक्तिगत दृष्टिकोण का एक संयोजन हैं!

हमारे नवाचार  ट्रायोल को-डवलपमेंट


भारत में हमारे पहले साथी बनें!

हम दुनिया भर के साझेदारों के साथ दीर्घकालिक संबंध बनाने और विकसित करने के उद्देश्य लेकर चले हैं। हमारे समाधान आपको अपने व्यवसाय का विस्तार करने और अपनी आय बढ़ाने में मदद करते हैं! हम अपने दायित्वों की स्वीकृति और पूर्ति मे सहभागिता, गुणवत्ता और जानकारी के तेजी से हस्तांतरण में हर स्तर पर ईमानदारी और आत्मविश्वास से पारदर्शिता और जागरूकता प्रदान करते हैं।

ट्रायोल भागीदारी के बारे में अधिक जानें


contact Nikita Poturoev triolcorp

Nikita Poturoev

Head of Export Sales Department

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contact Denis Burlutskyi triolcorp

Denis Burlutskyi

Head of Technical Support

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contact Ihor Poliakov triolcorp

Ihor Poliakov

Business Development Manager

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contact Illia Vidukov triolcorp

Illia Vidukov

After Sales Coordinator

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contact Yurii Sverdlenko triolcorp

Yurii Sverdlenko

Head of Industrial Sales Department

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contact Dmitry Khachaturov Junior triolcorp

Dmitry Khachaturov Junior

Key Account Manager

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contact Nikolay Onischenko triolcorp

Nikolay Onischenko

Sales Support Engineer

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contact Anna Kryvytska triolcorp

Anna Kryvytska

Head of Marketing

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contact Galina Shcherba triolcorp

Galina Shcherba

Advertising Manager

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