Triol EP01
Linear Electric Submersible Pump EP01
Perfect match for unconventional wells
Linear Electrical Submersible Pump (LESP) Triol EP01 is innovative equipment designed to increase oil production in the most profitable way. This means an increase in fluid production, an increase of oil share in the fluid, a decrease in the specific energy consumption per cubic meter of lifted fluid.
Innovative solution
The set of work tools and design features of Triol LESP EP01 gives a new loan to the unconventional wells, to stimulate the operation of the oil-bearing formation and to transfer the unconventional wells from the category of unprofitable and problematic to the category of profitable fund owners and attractive equipment for companies servicing the equipment. Triol EP01 is an ideal solution for wells with a flow rate from 0.8 to 48 m³/day, or from 5 up to 300 barrels per day.
Two product lines
Triol (LESP) EP01 is represented by 2 lines that are designed for efficient and advanced oil production in accordance to the chemical activity level in a well, casing material, and data provided by Downhole Measuring system unit. Triol EP01 consists of the following units: Variable Speed Drive (VSD), Linear permanent magnet motor (LPMM) with a downhole sensor module, Submersible plunger pump (SPP), and built-in gravity gas separator.
ISO 9001: 2015
Distinctive benefits
Oil production optimization
- Optimization of oil production from unconventional wells by creating a permanent depression on the reservoir and maintaining optimal dynamic fluid level in the well
Special algorithms
- Operation of the equipment without downtime, in a continuous mode due to the realized capability in control algorithms, to regulate the flow from 0,8m³ to the maximum production rate, when the conditions in the well change
Operation in unconventional wells
- Work in inclined and curved wells with a deviation angle from vertical to 40 °C in the suspension zone
Perfect alternative to ESP and SRP
- Increased energy efficiency of oil production in comparison with ESP and SRP by using specially developed algorithms for controlling LESP system
Operation in high-temperature and high-viscous wells
- Work in wells with a temperature of up to 150 °C (302 °F)
- Work with highly viscous fluids up to 3500 cSt
Built-in gravitational gas separator
- Operation with 25% of gas at the intake without an external gas separator due to the built-in gravitational gas separator
Remote contol
- Remote production control
Linear Electric Submersible Pump Triol EP01 - a perfect solution for unconventional wells
Linear Electrical Submersible Pump (LESP) Triol EP01 is an innovative method designed to increase oil production in the most profitable way. This means an increase in fluid production, an increase of oil share in the fluid, a decrease in the specific energy consumption per cubic meter of lifted fluid.
- Linear Electric Submersible Pump Triol EP01 - a perfect solution for unconventional wells